Drink and Read of the Month: March 2022
I’ll try not to say this every single month, but March has really flown by. Between visiting family, adjusting to the time change, and lots of writing, it’s just slipped by me. But one thing about me is that even if there’s a month like this that has just seemed to evaporate before my eyes, I’ll still have a new drink and read I’ve been enjoying.
Many of my March days have included making smoothies, lots of writing, going on walks, and some reading here and there. The reading part has slowed down a little bit because I trudged through a book that I really didn’t enjoy much. But I won’t mention it here - only positive and meaningful reviews here on this blog. ;) The good news is that I’m starting my next book, one that I have been wanting to read for a long time!
Lately, I’ve been making very good use of the amazing blender I got for Christmas! Trying out different smoothies has been really fun, and I’ve been able to get more fruits (and even some veggies) in. The smoothie I’ve been craving most days is this delicious (but still nutritious) chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie. Some mornings, this smoothie has replaced my coffee. Which is saying something…
Here are the ingredients:
1 banana (preferably frozen, but if not, add a handful of ice cubes)
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 cup almond milk (if you like a thicker smoothie, start with less)
¼ cup rolled oats or handful of spinach
There you have it. Throw it all in the blender, and watch your beautiful smoothie form. I’m not sure why, but I really prefer to add either oats or spinach into this smoothie, and not both. No clue. But, if it sounds good to you, go for it! Pro tip: if you avoid any texture in your smoothies at all costs, go for spinach instead of oats.
I definitely wouldn’t say this is my healthiest smoothie ever, but I think it’s the perfect balance of delicious and still pretty nutritious. Some days you really need that. I’m still experimenting, so there may be more smoothies in the coming months. For now, enjoy this one!
Okay, does it count if I’m just starting the book? As I mentioned, I spent most of this month reading a book that I didn’t really end up enjoying. But I want to focus on books I like. So I picked Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott to start reading. This book and I have a bit of history.
When I was in college for my English degree, this book appeared in one of my writing classes. It’s a classic at this point. My professor told us the story behind the name of the book. Lamott’s brother had left writing a report on birds until the last minute. The night before it was due, he was sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by books and feeling overwhelmed. Their father encouraged him by saying, “Just take it bird by bird.”
Large tasks such as that bird report often seem so big we don’t even know where to start. It can be paralyzing. The same goes for writing anything. It’s a common experience for writers. So it’s helpful to take it one step at a time, bird by bird.
That was my first introduction to the book. And I thought wow, I need to read that. Fast forward several years, I received it for Christmas. Then it sat on my bookshelf for longer than I’m proud of. But now’s the time! I decided it will be my next read, and I’m excited to learn more from Lamott’s legendary book.
So, even though I don’t yet have a full review of the book, I hope this was just enough to pique your interest, as it did mine when I was a student.
If you’ve read to the end and you have any book or drink suggestions for me, feel free to send me a DM on Instagram @ashlyncarmichael.copy. Happy sipping!