Drink and Read of the Month: May 2021

a book next to a cup of coffee and purple flowers

Since two of my favorite things are books and coffee, what better series could I start on my blog than drink and read of the month? So, this is the beginning of a series that could probably go on continuously, as long as my love for trying new coffees and reading books goes on. Spoiler alert: I think it will.


Since May is the beautiful month that the weather starts warming up here in Texas, I’ve been enjoying cold coffees even more than usual. Although, to be honest, I am that person that will drink iced coffee 11 months out of the year. 

For the past few weeks, I have consistently craved one kind of coffee drink: nitro cold brew. If you’ve never experienced this wonderful creation, picture a refreshing cold brew, but with a sweeter taste and velvety mouthfeel. 

I first tried nitro cold brew a few years ago when I noticed it on the menu of my favorite coffee shop in my hometown. The lovely barista there even showed me how it worked as she poured my drink. There was a canister of nitrogen connected to the spout where the cold brew came out. Essentially, nitro cold brew is exactly how it sounds: cold brew infused with nitrogen.

I know it kind of sounds like a gimmick, but you have to trust me on this one. If you get the chance to order this drink, please do. Well, let me rephrase that… If you like cold brew or are interested in slightly sweet cold coffee, you should try it.

Another great thing about nitro cold brew is that, like pretty much any coffee drink, you can add extra flavors and things to it. A great example of this is the nitro cold brew with sweet cream at Starbucks. The sweet cream addition is great for those that like the idea of the nitro cold brew but don’t want to drink it plain. To me, it’s the perfect balance of coffee flavor and sweetness.

So, if anyone needs me this month, you’ll probably be able to catch me sipping on a nitro cold brew anytime I go out to get coffee. It’s start-of-summer bliss!


This month’s read is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. To be frank, I’ve been working on it for a few months now. I’ve been trying to read this during the day, a little at a time. But it’s taken much longer than I expected. Not because the book isn’t good - because I have to say, it is really inspiring. I think my problem is that I’ve been trying to read other things alongside it. And I’ve discovered that I am not one of those people who can read multiple books at once.

I started The Slight Edge because it was recommended to me, and is great for business owners (or really anyone who needs some motivation in life). Olson shares anecdotes from his impressive rise in business - and his fall, and ultimate rise again. He also tells little stories that make the teachings really stick in my mind.

Speaking of what he’s teaching: it’s the slight edge. The slight edge principle is the act of doing small things that put you toward reaching your goal, whatever that may be. It seems simple (and obvious), but that’s the thing about the slight edge. It’s very easy to do little things at a time, like reading 10 pages of a book every day or saving a small amount of money every paycheck. But it’s also equally as easy to not do those things.

Olson teaches that these little things that are easy to do and easy not to do, are what make the difference. So do the little things! As I read more and more of the book, I’m learning how to apply the slight edge to my life and my work. So that’s great fun! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to better their life. 

Here’s hoping that I will be able to take the small steps every day to finish this book soon! Ha, look at me, using the slight edge principle to get myself to finish reading the book.

Do you have any suggestions for books or coffee? I’d love to hear from you. Shoot me a DM on Instagram @ashlyncarmichael.copy. Happy sipping!


Drink and Read of the Month: June 2021